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Goal: $500,000
$246,984 Total Raised
49% Complete

We raised $246,984 for Chabad of Shrewsbury and UMASS Medical School! Thank you to our generous matchers for making this a possibility, and a HUGE thank you goes to YOU for seizing the opportunity to do good.

Rohr Family Foundation

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Chabad's new home!

Help purchase a permanent home for the Jewish people of UMASS Medical.

This new, beautiful center, just one block from UMass, will be a home away from home with a number of functions. 

For the student,

Chabad will be open all week for events, learning, lounging,  studying, and more.

For the patient and their families,

The Bikur Cholim Suites will be handicap accessible, furnished beautifully and comfortably, and help patients and their families unwind and recharge during their challenging times. There is also a newly renovated kitchen which will be well-stocked. Always free of charge.

For everyone,

The walk out basement will house the Shul, which will host ongoing services and G-d willing, many joyous occasions for the UMASS and Shrewsbury community. 

Thank you for partnering with us,

Rabbi Shmulik and Sarah Fogelman

Please address checks to "Chabad of UMass Medical"

259 N Lake Avenue Unit A, Worcester, MA 01605

Tax Receipts will be mailed.


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